House water heating boiler with pump, ball valves and filters

4 Considerations Before Choosing a Small or Large Water Heater

Are you wondering whether to invest in a small or large water heater? Upgrading your hot water system can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right information and considerations, you can decide which one best fits your lifestyle and budget. Here are a few tips to help you choose for your home.

1. Consider Your Budget

The size of the water heater you choose should consider your budget. A large, more expensive water heater may be able to heat more water at once and save on energy bills in the long run, but it could cost significantly more initially than a smaller model.

When considering the installation cost, remember that a larger water heater will likely require more piping and additional work. This could drive up the installation costs beyond what you’d pay for a smaller unit.

2. Measure Your Hot Water Needs

The size of your water heater should be based on how much hot water your household typically uses at any one time. If you have a large family and everyone typically showers at the same time, you’ll need to get a larger water heater so that it can keep up with your hot water needs. On the other hand, if you’re a single person or couple who don’t take long showers and rarely use more than one faucet at a time, then a smaller unit will likely suit you just fine.

You can also consider other factors, such as the type of water heater you’re replacing (if any), insulation levels in your home, and local climate. This can help you determine the energy efficiency of each model and decide which size is best for you.

3. Think About Energy Efficiency

When it comes to energy efficiency, larger water heaters typically require less energy to heat the same amount of water as their smaller counterparts. This is because they have a larger storage tank that holds more hot water and requires less frequent heating cycles.

However, remember that larger water heaters also consume more energy when they run, so make sure you consider your energy usage when choosing a size. The water heater’s efficiency will also depend on other factors, such as insulation levels in your home and local climate conditions.

4. Maintenance

In addition to choosing the right size water heater, it’s also important to ensure that it is correctly installed and maintained. This will help ensure optimal performance and longevity of your new hot water system.

Ask your plumber or installer if they offer maintenance services and what ongoing service plan would be best for your unit. This could include regularly scheduled checkups or inspections to ensure everything runs properly.

The decision to upgrade your hot water system can be tough, but with the right information and considerations, you can make the best choice for your home. Consider your budget, hot water needs, energy efficiency levels, and maintenance requirements when deciding if a small or large water heater is best for you.

At Alabama Home Pros, we provide water heater installation services in Montgomery, AL, so call us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you select the right water heater.